Best In Slot Priest Gear Vanilla
- Best In Slot Priest Gear Vanilla Wow
- Best In Slot Priest Gear Vanilla Wafers
- Best In Slot Priest Gear Vanilla Classic
- Best In Slot Priest Gear Vanilla Extract
On this page, you will find the best PvE gear and best in slot items for your Shadow Priest DPS in WoW Classic. Pages in this Guide 1 Introduction 2 Spell Summary 3 Builds and Talents 4 Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities 5 Stat Priority 6 Enchants and Consumables 7 Gear and Best in Slot. The gear below is focused on the best healing gear for Holy and Discipline Priests in the final phase 6 Naxxramas patch. Tier 2 Priest set guide Healing Priest Tier 3, Vestments of Faith, is one of the more underwhelming sets and is generally considered not worth losing the Tier 2 bonus for. Shadow priest has few weakness in vanilla, main one is managing your mana, second is player forgetting he / she still a priest and can use heal / dispel / mind control etc alliance has it better for pve but ud's get extra dots for pvp, pretty fun class to play if you don't mind having your bags full of consumables, cuz you gonna need lots of em!
BiS Gear (best in slot) is the list of the best items and enchantments you can get for your Fury Warrior and Prot Warrior in PvE. Thanks to Classic WoW community and many contributors, you can check here the best gear for your Warrior during all the phases of WoW Classic.
This is a list of the best items for a Holy Paladin outside of raids. This list was based on one compiled by JCarrill0 in this topic and posted here with his permission.Head slot
- Insightful Hood From Cho'Rush the Observer in Dire Maul North
- Sanctified Leather Helm From Revered with the Argent Dawn in Eastern Plaguelands - Not yet implemented!
- Runner-up:Cassandra's Grace From Random world drop
- Runner-up:Tribal War Feathers From Gyth in Blackrock Spire
Neck slot
- Animated Chain Necklace From Ramstein the Gorger in Stratholme
- Runner-up:Tooth of Gnarr From General Drakkisath in Blackrock Spire
Shoulder slot
- Mantle of Lost Hope From Lord Roccor in Blackrock Depths
- Runner-up:Mantle of the Scarlet Crusade From Cannon Master Willey in Stratholme Live.
- Runner-up:Dawnbringer Shoulders Crafted by a blacksmithing pattern dropped by Various bosses
Chest slot
- Robes of the Exalted From Baron Rivendare in Stratholme
- Runner-up:Plate of the Shaman King From Highlord Omokk in Lower Blackrock Spire

Waist slot
- Corehound Belt Crafted by a leatherworking pattern sold by Lokhtos Darkbargainer in Blackrock Depths
- Runner-up:Whipvine Cord From Alzzin the Wildshaper in Dire Maul East
- Runner-up:Sash of Mercy From Bind on equip random world drop
- Runner-up:Eyestalk Cord From Immol'thar in Dire Maul West
- Runner-up:Belt of the Ordained From Bind on equip random drop in Scholomance

Legs slot
- Padre's Trousers From Illyanna Ravenoak in Dire Maul West
- Runner-up:Chitinous Plate Legguards From Nerub'enkan in Strathholme
- Runner-up:Ghoul Skin Leggings From various bosses in Scholomance
- Runner-up:Senior Designer's Pantaloons From Fineous Darkvire in Blackrock Depths

- Boots of the Full Moon From Captain Kromcrush in Dire Maul North
- Runner-up:Merciful Greaves From Alzzin the Wildshaper in Dire Maul East
- Runner-up:Faith Healer Boots From Warchief Rend Blackhand in Blackrock Spire
Wrist slot
- Gallant's Wristguards From One of three guards in Dire Maul North
- Runner-up:Loomguard Armbraces From Kirtonos the Herald in Scholomance
Hands slot
- Harmonious Gauntlets From King Gordok in Dire Maul North
- Runner-up:Gloves of Restoration From Alzzin the Wildshaper in Dire Maul East
- Runner-up:Gloves of the Exalted From Princess Moira Bronzebeard in Blackrock Depths
Finger slot
- Fordring's Seal Quest reward of In Dreams in Western Plaguelands
- Band of Piety From Revered with the Argent Dawn in Eastern Plaguelands - Not yet implemented!
- Runner-up:Ring of Demonic Guile From Alzzin the Wildshaper in Dire Maul East
- Band of Mending From Sothos and Jarien's Heirlooms in Strathholme - Not yet implemented!
- Runner-up:Rosewine Circle From Urok Doomhowl in Blackrock Spire
Best In Slot Priest Gear Vanilla Wow
Trinkets slot- Mindtap Talisman From Magister Kalendris in Dire Maul West
- Second Wind From Golem Lord Argelmach in Blackrock Depths
- Runner-up:Briarwood Reed From Jed Runewatcher in Upper Blackrock Spire
- Runner-up:Darkmoon Card: Blue Dragon Quest reward of Darkmoon Beast Deck in Darkmoon faire
- Runner-up:Draconic Infused Emblem From General Drakkisath in Upper Blackrock Spire
- Runner-up:Royal Seal of Eldre’Thalas Quest reward of The Light and How To Swing It in Dire Maul
Best In Slot Priest Gear Vanilla Wafers
Back slot
- Hide of the Wild Crafted by a leatherworking pattern found in Knot Thimblejack's Cache in Dire Maul North
- Runner-up:Cloak of the Cosmos From Immol'thar in Dire Maul West
Main Hand slot
- The Hammer of Grace From Chest of The Seven in Blackrock Depths
- Runner-up:Hammer of Revitalization Quest boss drop Isalien in Dire Maul East
- Runner-up:Energetic Rod From Alzzin the Wildshaper in Dire Maul East
Offhand slot
- Brightly Glowing Stone From King Gordok in Dire Maul North
- Runner-up:Thaurissan's Royal Scepter From Emperor Dagran Thaurissan in Blackrock Depths
- Runner-up:Tome of Divine Right Quest summon Mor Grayhoof in Lower Blackrock Spire - Not yet implemented!
- Runner-up:Lei of the Lifegiver From Exalted with the Frostwolf/Stormpike in Alterac Valley - Not yet implemented!
- Runner-up:Sacred Protector Quest reward of The Scarlet Oracle, Demetria in Eastern Plaguelands
- Runner-up:Rhombeard Protector From Gizrul the Slavener in Lower Blackrock Spire
- Runner-up:Observer's Shield From Cho'Rush the Observer in Dire Maul North
- Runner-up:Draconian Aegis of the Legion From Lord Valthalak in Upper Blackrock Spire - Not yet implemented!
Best In Slot Priest Gear Vanilla Classic
Relic slot - none currently obtainable- Libram of Divinity From any boss in Scholomance
- Runner-up: To be determined.
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EDIT: The gear values account for 5/5 Spiritual Guidance, if you do not have the talent the gear order is different.
EDIT2: Please do comment if you see missing items of importance and/or stats that aren't correct.
EDIT3: Added a couple of wands, removed conc/healing items, added some items, edited stats and updated according to the comments.
EDIT4: Replaced my link with res