Is Gambling Morally Right
Gambling has been around forever, and I am sure it has always been a controversial issue. History and ethnography show us that, across societies of the past and present, gambling varies considerably with respect to its organization, social meanings, and how it is regarded in moral terms. (Binde,2005). Since the time when the guards for Jesus cast lots for his clothes, when Las Vegas was built and now today with the availability of online gambling, this issue has caused concern and had its supporters and opponents. While done responsibly, gambling can be a fun and sometimes rewarding activity. On the other hand it can be a huge problem for some. Gambling is…show more content…
These irresponsible gamblers sometimes even turn to crime to get more money to gamble with. There have been people that stole from friends and family and those that embezzle money and those that steal anything to sell to get money. There are many gambling support groups that help these people as well as church groups and government assistance. The supporters of gambling say that it allows people to have a fun and exciting experience with the thrill of anticipation and the great feeling of winning. Gambling also brings in a large amount of revenue for governments, and creates a lot of jobs at all the places that allow gambling especially casinos. The amount of tourism created by a casino can bring business to restaurants, hotels, shopping centers and other businesses that are near. That can create more jobs and higher property values. This can increase sales tax as well. The revenues are supposedly used for noble causes such as schools, health care, police and fire funding and roads. They say that most people are responsible gamblers and that addiction is only a problem with a small percentage. Many Indian reservations that have casinos on their property have prospered and found work for their people and property values increase. Casinos have been a great economic benefit for Native American tribes. The tribes see casinos as a way out of poverty and unemployment. For example, Foxwoods Resort Casino in Ledyard, Connecticut is the state 's second-largest
GUEST ARTICLE Is Gambling a Moral Issue? Michael Fitzgerald is an award-winning columnist for The Record, a leading newspaper for the north-central region of the sprawling San Joaquin Valley Stockton, California. Some time ago, he penned an article addressing the growing encroachment of gambling casinos in California. While gambling casinos generally are not legal in California, in recent. Opinions on whether gambling is “moral” vary from religion to religion and from philosophy to philosophy. I think what you do with your money is up to you, so you get to decide for yourself whether gambling is moral or whether gambling is a sin. Others have different opinions. The survey, conducted May 5-7, shortly after Bennett's gambling was first reported in the news, finds 63% of Americans saying gambling is morally acceptable, while just 34% say it is morally wrong. The news media have had a field day with moralist William J. Bennett's recent admission - and subsequent renunciation - of high-stakes gambling. Organized religions have clear set lines of what is morally right or wrong, so it is quite easy for them to answer that gambling is unethical. Recent times have seen most states legalizing gambling. This might be a welcome development for some interest groups while some might not be happy.
Morality of Gambling
Pulling the trigger of the slot machines, playing cards at the casino, and betting on major sports games have become one of America’s popular entertainment. More and more people are gambling, and they all expect to get lucky. Many of these people gamble just for pure entertainment and to deviate themselves from their tedious everyday lives. However, there are those who gamble to feel the “rush” inside them when they win and lose, much like the Barthelme brothers in “Double Down.” In their book, the Barthelme brothers relate that some “magic” induced them to continue to gamble even after they knew how risky it was. Because gambling has become more and more popular, it seems necessary to ask if gambling is morally right. Nowadays, some people consider it as a past time while many still hope to become millionaires through gambling. Is gambling a moral method to double, or even triple, one’s possessions?
Before continuing to backlash about the morality of gambling, it is necessary to define what gambling is. According to The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, gambling means to take a risk in the hope of gaining an advantage or a benefit. Some people risk their money, car, house, and even their family and lives to participate in this business and to be able to feel their blood rush inside them hoping to take others’ possessions by luck. It is actually not limited to the activities inside a casino. Any activity that people do to and take the risk knowing they could lose everything is considered gambling. These activities include lottery, stock investments, business, and sports betting, and these can be categorized further into their degree of productivity. All gambling activities aim to make great profit. However, in order to make profit through productive gambling like stock investments and business, people need to pull out all the stops for it. This kind of gambling is considered more productive because people calculate the probability of winning and it requires self- control. In contrast, other activities like card games, slot machines, sports betting, and lottery solely depends on chance and sheer luck.

In terms of religion, gambling is not a moral activity. As many Christians argue, the Bible tells us that there are only three conditions where in we can take other people’s possessions: one can do honest hard labor, purchase it, or receive it as a gift. Clearly, gambling does not fall into any of these conditions. Rather, it is considered a dishonest activity and is more related to stealing. According to the Bible, God is the owner of all earthly possessions. Everything comes from Him. According to Luke, Jesus declared that humans are stewards who are only there to take care of God’s property. He also declared that it is our moral duty to take good care of someone else’s property. When people engage in gambling activities, they spend their money hoping to gain something from nothing by taking great risks, they are not following God’s commands. Since gambling is against God’s teachings, no matter what one’s purpose is, it is still considered sinful.
It is important to state that times have changed over the years. Gambling has become a formal entertainment method for the majority, and people are willing to risk the negative effects. God’s words do not prevent people’s desire to gamble anymore. Moreover, people have different religions, which is why they refuse to believe the Bible or even the existence of God, and therefore, do not consider gambling as a sin. One could also challenge that religion is closely related to grace, and that grace is essentially based on the idea that we cannot always control what happens to us. According to Lears, grace is “when luck leads to spiritual insight.” However, gambling is still dishonest because it is a shortcut to prosperity. Gamblers do not work hard for the money they would acquire thus becoming dishonest.
Is Gambling Morally Right Thing
As defined above, gambling is an activity that takes risk to gain something from nothing. Most gambling activities do not take much effort; it mostly depends on luck. Gambling for pure luck hoping to win someone’s possession is morally incorrect. In Auster’s novel, “The Music of Chance,” Nashe’s life suggests that money that is easily gained is also easily lost, and that gambling will eventually ruin one’s life. In the book, Nashe’s wife ran away and he sent his daughter to his sister for a better environment. One day, he received two hundred thousand dollars as a legacy from his father. After he paid back his debt, he quit his job and went on a road trip. When he ran out of money, he started to gamble to acquire money instead of finding a job to earn. However, he failed to do so and started to build a wall to earn money. Eventually, in the end, he killed himself. It was a tragic ending for him because of his choice to spend his money and to take a shortcut in life by gambling. Nothing comes for free. In order to achieve your goals and make something permanently yours, you need to put in solid effort.
Once people start to enjoy gaining something from nothing, they start to fall into the pit. Addiction to gambling highly resembles drug addiction. At first, people will become lucky and win some money. This thrill of winning draws them to continue to gamble. Soon, however, they would start losing more than they gained, and it causes them to continue to gamble in order to win back what they had in the first place. Fortunately for some, they have a strong will to simply stop gambling when they realize that they are becoming addicted to it. However, most people need medical help to recover from their addiction. Some even develop side effects from quitting like nausea and headache. Like drugs, gambling has dark side effects that people cannot fall out of easily.
Is Gambling Morally Right Act
Although many people enjoy gambling as an entertainment activity, it is still something that is clearly against God’s words. Furthermore, it is a shortcut that takes other’s possession from nothing. People can double and triple what they have just by chance. This aspect of gambling is evidently immoral. At the same time, this temptation may lead people to serious gambling problems. Even though some people can take control of themselves, many still cannot resist the money that gambling can give. However, since gambling is so popular in America, it is inevitable that people will continue to participate and support gambling. As such, it is important to have self control to be able to decide when to stop. It is also essential that people be educated about the effects and danger of gambling.