Mn Walleye Slot Limits
- Mn Walleye Slot Limit
- Mn Dnr Walleye Slot Limits
- Mn Walleye Slot Limit 2019
- Mn Walleye Slot Limit 2020
- Mn Walleye Slot Limits
A slot limit is a tool used by fisheries managers to regulate the size of fish that can legally be harvested from particular bodies of water. Usually set by state fish and game departments, the protected slot limit prohibits the harvest of fish where the lengths, measured from the snout to the end of the tail, fall within the protected interval.[1] For example, on a body of water where there is a protected slot limit on largemouth bass between 12 and 16 inches (30 and 41 cm), largemouth between those lengths may not be harvested.[2] In this example largemouth bass shorter than 12 inches (30 cm) and longer than 16 inches (41 cm) may be removed from the water and kept for personal use in accordance with local fishing regulations.
Anglers should always check for any regulations that adhere to walleye in the lakes in which they fish. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) announced Monday that beginning Dec. 1, winter anglers fishing Mille Lacs Lake will be allowed to keep one walleye. Unofficial polls show Minnesota walleye anglers would support. Minnesota Waters Fishing Regulation Summary Walleye. Slot limits on northern Minnesota's main walleye lakes have come of age now. The more restrictive limits require anglers to immediately release walleyes in a specific size range, perhaps 17 to 26 inches or 17 to 28 inches. The first walleye slot limit was established on Rainy Lake in 1994. Mille Lacs went to a slot in 1999. Only one walleye greater than 27 inches long can be harvested per day. Combined walleye/sauger daily harvest limit of 6 and possession limit of 12. In 2003, a 20-27 inch protected slot limit on walleyes was put in place on the Upper Mississippi River in Pools 12-20. New depositors only. UK residents only. Minimum deposit £10. 10x wagering on free spin winnings. Mn Walleye Slot Limits Free Spins are valid only on Starbust and expire in 7 days. One over 36 inches is allowed in possession, with a possession limit of nine! The idea of increasing the limit on these small northern pike is to limit some of the predation on the small walleyes.
Slot limits are based on the principle that bass populations exhibit different habitat requirements during different phases of their lives. Slot limits focus on protecting one segment of the life history which can influence overall fishing success.[3]
A minimum landing size is a similar regulation in other areas.
Generally, the purpose behind the implementation of protected slot limits is to improve the angling opportunities in a particular body or bodies of water. Protected slot limits are most often used to regulate the harvest from waters where natural reproduction of the concerned fish species occurs. The protected slot limit is set in such a way that it protects the size of those fish deemed most important to the species spawning success in that fishery. With the size of the most sexually productive fish protected from harvest it is likely that an increased number will spawn during a given year and hence lead to more naturally produced individuals. The effort to increase the number of fish through natural reproduction mitigates the need for artificial stocking of a species to provide for a viable recreational fishery.
In addition to improving natural reproduction success the protected slot limit can also serve to improve the average catchable size of a protected species. This is of particular concern in recreational fisheries where the practice of catch and release is not prevalent. The slot limit protects those fish that evade harvest until their size exceeds that of the lower end of the protected slot. They are then protected from harvest until they exceed the maximum size within the protected slot. Fish within this size range are protected from harvest during the time when their size would make them desirable by anglers. In such a scenario the protection of large numbers of medium-sized fish translates into a higher success rate of those that exceed the slot limit.[4] Hence, the protected slot limit increases the amount of fish that reach the large sizes sought by sport anglers. This model assumes that the lake or stream in question contains a forage base suitable to support fish of this size.
The issue of protected slot limits, in some cases, is marked in controversy. The protected slot limit and the angler’s desire to harvest fish can be in conflict. The main challenge lies in the economic, ecological, and social factors that fisheries managers must consider when implementing harvest regulations such as protected slot limits. Take, for example, the situation involving Lake Mille Lacs in central Minnesota. Anglers spend millions of dollars and travel countless miles to fish for Lake Mille Lacs walleye (Sander vitreus) which is highly sought after for its table fare as well as its sporting qualities. In the case of Lake Mille Lacs there has long been a protected slot limit for walleye.
In 2002, the slot limit was from 20 to 28 inches (51 to 71 cm). At the time, state fishing regulations stated that on Lake Mille Lacs an angler could keep four walleyes with only one walleye over 28 inches (71 cm) allowed, and all walleyes within the protected slot limit of 20 to 28 inches (51 to 71 cm) must be immediately released. The protected slot limit worked so well, in a sense, that anglers soon found it difficult to catch harvestable sizes of walleye and they were catching an overabundance of slot-sized fish. Many anglers have become frustrated by the lack of 'eater' sized walleye. The intense protection of this size class of fish caused a sharp decline in the natural available forage base for walleyes.[5] The result was a large number of unhealthy and underweight slot-sized walleyes in the fishery. This case represents an exception to the outcomes common to the implementation of protected slot limits. However, it does illustrate the objectives fisheries managers must consider when devising protected slot limits. Managers must balance the health of the fishery, trophy fish potential, and desired angler harvest.
Ways to protect fish populations[edit]
When an angler is fishing, he or she must measure the fish caught to make sure it meets the state's wildlife and fisheries requirements. Every state has their own limits for fish that are native to their ecosystems. If the fish meets the requirements then the angler is allowed to keep the fish, but can only keep a certain amount of fish of that species. Besides a slot limit there are other ways and limits that officials can use to protect a fish population.
- Minimum size limits- important when higher levels of reproduction are required.[3]
- Creel limits- used to prevent the harvest of too many fish at once, allowing more fish to reach larger sizes.[3]Guist Creek Lake is an example of a lake that has decided that a creel limit was necessary for there native fish species.
- Closed seasons- used to help protect fish during their spawning seasons. If a given area puts a closed season into action an angler is not allowed to fish this area during specified times of the year.
Mode of action[edit]
Before a slot limit can be put into action, four things must be taken into consideration in order to make sure no harm is done to the ecosystem:
Growth rate[edit]
Growth rate can be defined as how long it takes for a fish to reach a given size. Even though growth rate differs from lake to lake, an average largemouth bass can grow up to three pounds (1.4 kg) in less than three years, which is considered rapid growth.[6]
Mn Walleye Slot Limit
Recruitment is defined as the number of young fish that live to adulthood. Lakes with 20 to 40% coverage of aquatic plants usually have high bass recruitment, whereas lakes with little shoreline cover often have low to intermediate recruitment.[6]If a lake has a high recruitment, this is a good situation for a state to use the slot limit because it will help control the number of small fish in a population. When the recruitment is low, this is where a state would use the minimum-size limit to control the fish population.[6]
Mortality rate is the percent of fish in a given lake that die. To find the true mortality rate of a lake, officials must divide the number of fish harvested plus fish killed from hooks, then divide that number by the number of fish that die each year.
Mn Dnr Walleye Slot Limits
After the growth rate, recruitment rate, and mortality rate have been determined, if all three factors are met, the correct measurements must be chosen to insure that no harm is done to the surrounding ecosystem. If a slot limit is used correctly, not only will the a fish population benefit from this; but the surrounding ecosystem potentially could gain some benefits from a slot limit.
Slot limits can be very beneficial to fish species along with their ecosystem. One benefit from slot limits is that it reduces the amount of competitive pressure between fish the same size. Not only will it reduce competition, but it will also result in a healthier fish population since the slot limit doesn't allow anglers to keep fish that produce the most eggs during their spawning season. Since the fish are healthier and larger, this will bring more jobs and tourists to a town, which will result in the city's revenue to rise.
Example of a slot limit[edit]
The Lake Fork Reservoir in Texas is known for its largemouth bass. A slot limit was introduced in the early 1900s in hopes of bettering the chances of catching a trophy bass. The regulations are:[7]
- Largemouth bass are subject to a 16-to-24-inch (41 to 61 cm) slot limit.
- Bass 16 inches (41 cm) and shorter and 24 inches (61 cm) and longer can be harvested.
- Daily bag limit of five fish
- One fish can be 24 inches (61 cm) or longer.
- ^Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 'Minnesota Fishing Regulations 2011'. 2011. Print.
- ^'Connecticut’s Bass Management Lakes'. PDF. Accessed 9/25/2011. URL:[permanent dead link]
- ^ abc'Louisiana Fisheries - Fact Sheets'. LSU. Retrieved 2011-12-02.
- ^Pierce, Rodney; Tomcko, Cynthia (1997). 'Initial Effects of Slot Length Limits for Northern Pike in Five North-Central Minnesota Lakes'(PDF). Investigational Report. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (454). Retrieved June 9, 2020.
- ^Sternberg, Dick. 'The Mille Lacs Fish Management Plan: Threat to Minnesota's Premier Walleye Fishery'. 2002. PDF. Accessed 9/25/2011. URL:
- ^ abc'Managing Bass Fisheries with Size Limits The Ultimate Bass Fishing Resource Guide LLC'. Retrieved 2011-12-02.
- ^White, Richie. 'Lake Fork Bag Limits'. Archived from the original on 2011-11-28. Retrieved 2011-12-04.
'Winter anglers on Mille Lacs Lake will enjoy a walleye harvest this winter for the fifth season in a row. Starting Tuesday, Dec. 1, anglers will be allowed to keep one walleye between 21-23 inches or one fish longer than 28 inches. This is the same regulation as the last two winter seasons.
“It’s good news that anglers will be able to harvest walleye again this winter,” said Sarah Strommen, commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. “Conservative management continues to sustain good fishing on Mille Lacs.”
Mille Lacs was a popular ice fishing destination during the winter of 2019-2020, in part due to poor ice conditions on other large Minnesota lakes. Anglers put in a record of more than 3 million fishing hours on the lake last winter. In each of the previous three winters, anglers spent about 2 million hours fishing on Mille Lacs.
“We want to provide anglers the opportunity to catch and keep some fish when the walleye population can support it,” said Brad Parsons, DNR fisheries section manager. “As in recent winters, we’re confident that the walleye population is abundant enough to support some harvest.”
Winter regulations are set after the DNR completes its annual fall netting assessment. The DNR’s 2020 assessment found that the walleye population has remained relatively stable over the past four years, having rebounded from population lows seen from 2012 to 2016.

Harvest from the winter of 2020-21 will be counted toward the state’s annual share of walleye from Mille Lacs under the 1837 treaty. State anglers share harvest with eight Ojibwe tribes that have fishing rights under the treaty.
The state’s allowable harvest for the coming year will be set in early 2021 through discussions between the state and the tribes. The DNR will set open water fishing regulations in March 2021 following discussions with the tribes and the Mille Lacs Fisheries Advisory Committee and after the conclusion of winter fishing.
Mn Walleye Slot Limit 2019
Conservative fishing regulations in response to population lows have contributed to the recovery, allowing the DNR to offer anglers a harvest opportunity in recent winters and in May 2019 during the open water fishing season.
Insights from fall assessments
While encouraged by the rebound in walleye abundance, the DNR is taking a cautious approach to managing Mille Lacs’ walleye fishery. Survival of walleye to age 3 and older has been inconsistent in recent years.
The 2013 year class – that is, fish born in 2013 -- continues to be the most abundant class of fish. These fish are mainly 17-21 inches long, with faster growing individuals exceeding 21 inches. Year classes from 2009 to 2012 were weak, and had low numbers grow to adults, while those produced since 2013 have had more fish survive to adulthood.

The 2014 year class is below average compared with those from the last 15 years. The 2015 and 2016 year classes appear close to average, and the 2017 year class is well above average. Since 2008, only the 2013 and 2017 year classes have been above average.
“We are encouraged to see additional year classes that will be contributing to the fishery,” Parsons said. “Having multiple year classes approaching maturity makes us comfortable with continuing to harvest some of the 2013 year class under this winter’s regulation.”
The assessment also looks at food abundance and walleye health. Perch and tullibee are the primary food source for Mille Lacs’ walleye. Perch and tullibee from 0 to 2 years old were caught in moderate numbers.
Mn Walleye Slot Limit 2020
Walleye condition, often referred to as plumpness, remained lower than recent averages. The relatively thin condition of fish suggest that forage was limited during parts of this year.
Mn Walleye Slot Limits

That lack of food contributed to the high catch rates in Mille Lacs early this summer. But that rate dropped in August and September, suggesting that the availability of forage improved later in the summer as fish hatched in 2020 grew and became a part of walleye diets.
“A lower catch rate in the late summer can sometimes carry over into the winter if forage is abundant,” Parsons said. “But predators also can reduce available forage later in the winter, possibly leading to an improved bite.”
Information about Mille Lacs Lake, including complete fishing regulations, is available on the DNR website at'