Stripline Slot Antenna
- Abstract –An ‘I’ shaped slot antenna with finite slotted ground plane is presented. It is a micro-strip feed mechanism based antenna for impedance matching with 50Ω coaxial cable. The antenna geometry is simulated using IE3D simulator. Antenna works well in the frequency range 4.35 GHz to 4.55 GHz.
- Stripline CRLH TL Slot radiator etched on top ground Shielding vias (a) (b) Fig.1 Possible series feeding network configurations for antenna arrays. (a) Conventional approach 1. (b) Proposed boxed stripline CRLH TL approach, feeding a slot array. Fig.2 shows the equivalent transmission line model for the series-fed slot antenna array.
- Slots added on the patch was proposed to provide broadband and smaller size antenna 18. The circular slot microstrip patch antenna reported in many papers 19 but the circular slot with plus sign was not introduced in the presented literature. The multiband antenna was proposed for different wireless applications.
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Coplanar stripline antenna
An inward-fed two-arm Archimedean spiral antenna is proposed, which integrates a stripline feed network into one of the spiral arms. A broadband stripline tapered impedance transformer conformal to the spiral's winding provides a novel matching network between the input impedance of the spiral and the characteristic impedance of the stripline. The Dyson-style balun at the spiral's center.
Coplanar stripline antennas (CPSLA) are described as conformal antennas. Stripline, microstrip, and slot-line antennas are compared. CPSLA is excited between the narrow center strip and the upper ground planes closely spaced to the center strip. Feeding, circular polarization, higher-order modes, lobe patterns, and SWR of the CPSLA are discussed. Disadvantages of the more elementary configurations are dealt with. Linearly and circularly polarized CPSLA covering 350 MHz to 10 GHz have been built, in planar curved, or tilted arrays. Compactness, low cost, simplicity, and electrical performance recommend CPSLA use in antennas for weapon fuzing, aircraft radar altimeters, satellite communication, biological implant telemetry, missile telemetry, soldier-pack equipment, and phased arrays.
- Antenna Arrays;
- Antenna Design;
- Strip Transmission Lines;
- Antenna Radiation Patterns;
- Circular Polarization;
- Low Cost;
- Microstrip Transmission Lines;
- Satellite Communication;
- Slot Antennas;
- Communications and Radar
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters>2006>5>1>319 - 322
Stripline Fed Slot Antenna

journal ISSN : | 1536-1225 |
journal e-ISSN : | 1548-5757 |
DOI | 10.1109/LAWP.2006.878894 |
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Marchais, C.
- Antenna&Microwave Dept., Inst. of Electron.&Telecommun. from Rennes
Stripline Fed Slot Antenna
Le Ray, G.
- Antenna&Microwave Dept., Inst. of Electron.&Telecommun. from Rennes
Sharaiha, A.

- Antenna&Microwave Dept., Inst. of Electron.&Telecommun. from Rennes
ultra wideband communicationantenna radiation patternsslot antennastime-domain synthesisultra wideband antennaslinear radiated far-field phasestripline slot antennaUWB communicationsradiation behaviortime-domain responseimpedance bandwidthultrawideband (UWB) antennaStripline antennatime-domain characterization
ultra wideband communicationantenna radiation patternsslot antennastime-domain synthesisultra wideband antennaslinear radiated far-field phasestripline slot antennaUWB communicationsradiation behaviortime-domain responseimpedance bandwidthultrawideband (UWB) antennaStripline antennatime-domain characterization